Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rack, Shack, and Benny

Original Cover Art
Rack, Shack, and Benny

Release Date:

October 10, 1995


Four Star Fruits out of Five



Most creative retelling of the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego I've ever seen.

"Rack, Shack, and Benny" are pretty clever nicknames.

First introduction to Mr. Lunt.

First introduction to Mr. Nezzer.

"Good Morning, George" will become a classic popular Veggie Tales song.

Laura the carrot becomes a regular character.

Revised Cover Art
"The Bunny Song" becomes one of the most popular Veggie Tales songs of all time, while at the same time being one of the catchiest.

The animation boundaries of the time are really pushed in this episode.

Episode includes a chase scene.

Episode does not back away from showing life and death situations.

The "Silly Songs with Larry" segment is very silly indeed.

Peas are introduced to the series...and they're pretty cute.

The chocolate bunny as an idol is absurdly funny.

Episode contains most eerie scene in a Veggie Tales episode up until this point shortly after the boys fall into the furnace.

Lisa Vischer's voice as Shack's mom singing the lullaby.

"Stand Up!" is a very catchy song.

Larry's oven mitt headgear.

"Veggie Beat" magazine.

Falling into the sink gag.

"Is the tomato sitting or standing?" gag.

Latest Revision

The character George is little too high pitched for my taste.

Laura's voice is also too high pitched.

Mr. Nezzer's head passes right through a pipe at one point = a bit of sloppy animation.

The shadows on various objects and characters are pretty bad in several scenes.

The original "Bunny Song" contained lyrics that offended many parents.

The original "Bunny Song" was later rewritten with less offensive lyrics in order to appease the parents who whined about the original version, but the new version was seriously poorer quality than the original in my opinion.

George states that "Mr. Nezzer's not a bad man, he just gets confused sometimes." I think regardless of how "confused" Mr. Nezzer probably was, he sure seems pretty close to evil when he's trying to burn the heroes to a crisp.


Rack, Shack, and Benny

Story By:

Phil Vischer

Songs Included:

Good Morning, George
Think of Me
The Bunny Song
Bunny Song (Reprise)

The Dance of the Cucumber

Song By:

Mike and Lisa Nawrocki

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